RG Movies always strive to bring the largest and best content for you to watch! With numerous amount of exciting features, we will give you an immersive entertainment experience. Some of what RG Moviez has to offer:
5000+ of Blockbuster Movie Library
Start watching movies like no other with RG MOVIEZ’s rich Movies library with titles like Good Newwz, Darbar, Dabangg 3. You can also browse through Hollywood & international blockbusters that will be dubbed in regional languages like Hindi, Tamil & Telugu for your viewing pleasure.
True HIGH-DEFINITION Streaming and Subtitles in multiple languages.
Quality is another feature we never compromise in. Enjoy 1080p streaming with 2.1, 5.1 surround system to not only watch movies, but live in them.
• Unlimited Movies from RG Moviez
• Multiple Regional Languages
• Replay Function to re-watch all your favourite programs
• Handpick your favourite films and add them to your watchlist.
• Available on multiple screens
• 24X7 dedicated customer service